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knockout punch meaning in Hindi

knockout punch sentence in Hindi
पछाड़ देने वाला प्रहार
अचेत कर देने वाला प्रहार
knockout    पीटना पछाड़ देने
punch    घूँसा कठ पुतली के
1.Who knows what might have happened if not for the knockout punch.

2.After a few minutes of verbal blows comes the hopeful knockout punch:

3.Webb faced a brief challenge early and responded with a knockout punch.

4.Boxers wear form-fitted mouthpieces and protective headgear, rendering knockout punches inefficient.

5.If the Rangers do that, they could deliver a knockout punch.

6.Another sock being involved at this article is the knockout punch.

7.There would be unexpected little body blows and then knockout punches.

8.This was a debate free of major gaffes or knockout punches.

9.No one is going to win this with a knockout punch.

10.If you try for a knockout punch, you never get it,

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5
a hard punch that renders the opponent unable to continue boxing
Synonyms: haymaker, KO punch, Sunday punch,

How to say knockout punch in Hindi and what is the meaning of knockout punch in Hindi? knockout punch Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.